31 Mar CYTA
TV commercials sponsored by CYTA (Cyprus Telecommunications Authority) to promote the European Small States Games. Hurdles Basketball ...
TV commercials sponsored by CYTA (Cyprus Telecommunications Authority) to promote the European Small States Games. Hurdles Basketball ...
TV commercial "Ela sto Avrio" presenting Electroline's new store in Latsia (2011)...
A Public Service Announcement that teaches children of Cyprus the concept of a bi-communal treatment plant - Sponsored by the United Nations Development Program in Cyprus....
TV commercial for Cheetos snacks "Monsuno"...
Public Service Announcement promoting the new pan-European emergency number 112....
TVC ELMA chewing gum with natural Chios gum mastic. Now in five different flavors (featuring Mint)....
Orinos TV commercial on their "Color Gallery" concept where customers are served by a personal consultant....
Strovolos COOP Savings Bank campaigns on savings schemes, business loans and consumer loans....
Bank of Cyprus TV commercials on "1bank" mobile banking, on career day and on their car loan scheme....
Laiki Bank "Step Up" TVC on their various savings schemes and general "Savings" campaign....