
Teaser for the theatrical play "Whispers" (Ψίθυροι) written by Cliff Cleovoulou and directed by Cliff Cleovoulou and Andrea Kasinou.  Starring Nicolas Hartoshias and Andrea Kasinou....

The second of a series of three TV spots with the participation of popular actors in order to promote pet animals' welfare, sponsored by the Cyprus Ministry of Agriculture and the Government's Press and Information Office....

The first of a series of three TV spots with the participation of popular actors in order to promote pet animals' welfare, sponsored by the Cyprus Ministry of Agriculture and the Government's Press and Information Office....

Holiday season. Two friends, Diana and Katy, meet in Caffè Cerutti after not having seen each other for a while. Diana is open, expressive, enthusiastic, and ready to hear from her friend. However, their meeting is about to have an unexpected twist when the cafe's...